Park Time



Yesterday as we were driving home from church, Bill read a text from Emily that we’d all gotten, inviting any or all of us to meet her and the kids at our local park.  Bill and Dannye Reigh both had work to do, but I was FREE!!  I changed clothes as quickly as we got home, and headed to Cedar Brake Park to play with my babies.  It was pretty warm (many would say hot), but it was a beautiful day for playing at the park, and for Nonnie to take some pics of the kids playing. 

Our little contented Selah Dawn.  Truly, such a sweet little thing!


Arulai is such a climber – she’s not afraid of much of anything!!

Titus LOVES to slide!  He calls it “WEEEE!”

And Emily isn’t afraid to show Arulai how it’s done!!

There were quite a number of families at the Park during our visit there.  Titus made friends just as this little family got ready to go.


Selah really enjoyed the baby swing.  She would giggle up a storm!


Such preciousness!!

After we played for a good while, Em and I thought it was a great idea to go to McDonald’s for icecream, and a cooler playground.  We sat there talking and talking for a very long time, while the kids ate icecream and climbed in the playland.  It was such a great ending to an already wonderful day!

I hope y’alls week has begun as fabulous as mine has! 

God bless your day!



About Petty Bunch

The Petty Bunch is what we have called our family since Bill and I (Janina) began our family back in the early 1980s. We have gone down many roads together - homeschooling our kiddoes, enjoying the freedom of entrepreneurship many years, working at "real jobs" other years. Through it all, we have been loved with God's everlasting love, and have found that underneath are His everlasting arms! We are blessed to have been married for over 39 years, and have 3 incredible adult children, a wonderful daughter-in-law, an amazing son-in-law, and TEN grandchildren: five precious granddaughters, and 5 handsome grandsons - so far. We are empty nesters, still enjoy the life of an entrepreneur and the freedom it gives us to continue enjoying our kids and now, their kids!
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7 Responses to Park Time

  1. Mottsngbury says:

    Nina – what precious pictures & MEMORIES!!  They are all just adorible!  And yes, Selah looks like a very contented baby.  I just want to squeeze Titus’s cheeks……..He looks all BOY & just a doll.  I’m sure AJ loves being a big sister w/her helping the littles to swing & explore.  Fun times……….I’m sooooo happy for you I could absolutely bust!!

  2. awe…What a wonderful Sunday afternoon! Loved the pictures! I’m so glad we have a nice park right in town!

  3. That sounds marvelous!

  4. redladybug18 says:

    loved the pictures!  How fun to just get to hang out with the grandkids!

  5. AuntGen says:

    I’m so glad you posted these. Even though we see each other on a regular basis, these posts give life to the things I’ve already heard about, and keep me up to date on the ones I’ve missed. I almost feel like I was there with you! Love you and your babies (the grown ones and the little ones.) 

  6. ABAHM says:

    What a wonderful time you are having with those babies close by!  I admire Emily’s ability on the monkey bars…it is very good for kids brains, so hopefully they all follow mom’s great example.

  7. maryhurlbut says:

    I know the joy you were feeling. being with little ones brings a lightness to our hearts and a constant smile to our faces!

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